Certified by the State Bar of California since 1988 and sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Bar Association, the Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Cruz County is the oldest largest and most respected legal referral service in Santa Cruz County.
We have limited phone support at this time, and we are only answering phones and returning voicemails on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-2. We may not be able to answer your call or return your voicemail. We recommend that you try to book your appointment online using the Contact Us Now link above. We hope to return to daily phone support in the very near future.
AVISO DE ACTUALIZACIÓN: En este momento tenemos ayuda telefónica limitado, y solo estamos disponibles para contestar teléfonos y devolver mensajes de voz los Martes y Miércoles de 9 a 2. Es posible que no podamos responder a su llamada o devolver su correo de voz. Le recomendamos que intente reservar su cita en línea usando el enlace Contáctanos Ahora (Contact Us Now) arriba. Esperamos volver a la asistencia telefónica diaria en un futuro muy próximo.
Don’t wait
Get the legal help that you need as quickly as possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or a phone consultation. Learn more

Areas of Practice
More than 25 types of law, including divorce, custody, landlord/tenant, employment, criminal defense, estate planning, real property, personal injury and more. Learn more
You pay a $50 administrative fee to support our non-profit service. The lawyers are volunteering their time to meet with you. Learn more

Phone Consults
If you can’t make it to an in-person appointment, we can set up a phone consultation for you. Learn more.
Our State-Bar certified service offers friendly, trained staff who will match you with a qualified, pre-screened lawyer experienced in the type of law that you need for a 30-minute consultation. Learn more

The Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) can help you find a qualified, insured Spanish-speaking lawyer in Santa Cruz County to help you with your legal needs. Learn more
What People Say
Lawyer Referral Service of Santa Cruz County has helped people just like you solve their legal problems. Find out what they think about the service. Learn more

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