Join the LRS

COVID-19 UPDATE: We are open. Staff are working remotely to schedule appointments during regular business hours. We strongly recommend that clients book phone consultations whenever possible. Call us at 831-425-4755.

Santa Cruz lawyers looking to build their practice while serving the community are encouraged to join the Lawyer Referral Service.

LRS is a non-profit, State Bar certified service that has been in business since 1988. Lawyer Referral Service is the oldest, biggest and most respected legal referral service in Santa Cruz County.

LRS trained staff members screen each call and make referrals to LRS lawyers. Clients pay an administrative fee that goes to LRS, and LRS lawyers volunteer their time for the initial 30-minute consultation. If a client decides to work with lawyer beyond the initial consultation, financial arrangements are made between the client and the lawyer.

Each year, LRS generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees paid to attorney members of the Service.

You can learn more about becoming an LRS panel member by visiting the LRS page on the Santa Cruz County Bar Association website. There you will find information on the LRS Rules, State Bar Standards and B&P Code Sections relating to Lawyer Referral Services, as well as LRS applications.

If you have any questions, please call us at 831-425-4755.

Join the Lawyer Referral Service

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